
Herbal Decoction and Shilajit

Decoction is a process of extracting liquid from herbs and plants. The usual process of extraction involves boiling the herbs in water. Herbal decoction is not a new process. It has been used by ancient people for curing many diseases and the practice is still in use by the herbalists. The decoction process usually involves the herbs or plants that are woody...

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Benefits of Using Shilajit in Winter Season

The composition of Shilajit makes it very beneficial in winter season. Many people with no health issues in summer season also need some treatment in winter season. Following is a brief description of why using Shilajit in winter season is beneficial for the humans. Shilajit Enhance Immune System The overall immune system sometimes get slower in winter season as many people suffer...

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Best Time to Take Shilajit in Winter Season

The 80+ minerals, high potency, and being natural is what makes Shilajit the ultimate choice for many. Many people prefer natural supplements over chemists products and Shilajit is one of those natural supplements with probably the highest number of health pro ingredients. Like many other natural supplements, Shilajit comes in different qualities, depending on the region it is extracted from. Majority of...

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Shilajit Smoothie with Power Pack Energy

Pure Shilajit is a powerhouse that can lift your body energy. There are many health benefits associated with pure and natural Shilajit. Since it is a natural supplement and herbs dominate the Shilajit composition, people around the world prefer Shilajit over other supplements that are prepared in laboratory.  Many people consume Shilajit without any addition of other food or drinks. However, there...

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Why Himalayan Healing Shilajit is Best

Being natural and the richest in minerals, Shilajit is one of the most demanding supplements in the market. Under many names and brands make it difficult for the customers to find the right Shilajit product. Shilajit is being sold in many forms like solid, liquid, and powder. Some manufacturers are selling Shilajit in compound form by preparing new supplements/edible/medicine from Shilajit. Finding...

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How Shilajit Fights Joints Pain in Winters

There are numerous health benefits of Shilajit. The modern research reveals the importance of Shilajit in everyday life. The number of minerals and nutrients present in Shilajit make the product the ultimate choice for those who want natural health resource in a naturally preserved way. Shilajit is one such naturally preserved food on the earth that contains all the minerals and nutrients...

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Extreme Weather Conditions and Use of Shilajit

Every year, the world faces extreme weather conditions for a specific span of time.  In some countries it only rains, while others face heavy snowfall.  However, both affect the lives and business of the people living in these countries. For instance, the temperature in some parts of United States has dropped down to -30 Celsius last week of January 2019. Emergency has...

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Poor Sleep Consequences and Role of Shilajit

We are living in an era where the technology has made the life easier by digitizing and automating almost everything. We can safely make a statement that the technology has changed our lifestyle. The change in lifestyle, however, doesn’t mean that we have got rid of all those health problems that were existed before the evolutionary changes in the world. We can...

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Clinical Studies about Shilajit Effect on Testosterone Level

Shilajit is often termed as the conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weaknesses. A large number of minerals and pro-health microbes are the reason behind such terminologies associated with Shilajit. Although the number of benefits associated with Shilajit is quite large, there are not many clinical studies available addressing all those benefits. However, few researchers have come up with experimental studies exploring...

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Key Health Benefits of Authentic Shilajit for Women

Several women in society tend to have mixed feelings on whether they should take authentic shilajit and the benefits they would give to their body systems. The truth is that Shilajit has many positive impacts on their health.  All the way from your skin, hair to the ovaries and the uterus, authentic Shilajit may work wonders on you.  In women, authentic Shilajit...

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